Cize It Up Test Group!

Where are my dancers at?! Do you love just dancing around, having a great time and not having a care in the world? What if you could have an exclusive dance party everyday and it be your workout?! SAY WHAT!!!

Shaun T, the man that changed my life, he is back at it! I am so excited to say that on Wednesday, July 15th -- this chica is going to be getting certified to teach Cize LIVE!!! HOLY MOLY talk about stepping outside of your comfort zone! Never in a million years did I think I would be a fitness instructor! I am so excited to be attending this exclusive workshop with SHAUN T!!!! Stay tuned for a photo from the big event ;)

So with that being said and CIZE is being launched on July 16th and we are beginning an exclusive TEST GROUP to try this workout program first and get the accountability from our group!

This program is going to be hot.... it is totally he END OF EXERCISE! Shaun T outdid himself on this one! I love the preview I have tried out and it is seriously can be for ANYONE and EVERYONE! No matter if you're in great shape, you have a couple pounds to lose, or maybe you have 20+ pounds to lose -- LISTEN closely, there is a beginner as well as an advanced option for this workout program!

This program ditches the lunges, the squats, the weight lifting and boring cardio... what it does include is a FUN dancing workout program! It is going to be so awesome! What is my favorite part about this is that it is broken down step-by-step! That's right... Shaun T has designed this program so that ANYONE who may not even have "any rhythm" that's ok! He breaks every single step down so you can catch on!

I am accepting 10 women into this exclusive accountability group beginning on August 3rd! This will be our very first group grooving to the beat!! This group is going to be so incredibly fun because who doesn't love dancing around like a fool!

What are the requirements:

  • Do you have a Team Beachbody Coach? If not, let me be yours! :) Create an account just by click here: Create Free Account
  • Take a moment to fill out this application, This way I can work with you more independently to discuss whether this could be a good fit for you or not. w
  • Commit to the Cize Dance Workout Program and replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology! Why Shakeology? You want to feel healthy, happy and absolutely amazing right? Well Shakeology will help you feel better as far as the daily energy, daily nutrition, and that 1 meal a day you just don't even need to stress about because it is quick, convenient and because as crazy as it may sound -- it tastes like a chocolate milkshake and is amazeballs!!
  • Finally in return, you will get me to assist, guide and root for you all the while setting up a realistic plan for your goals. My goal is to help you in any way I can so you don't just purchase the program and it sits on your shelf collecting dust! This program when you put in the effort and commit -- it truly can transform your entire life!

Are you ready to make the change! This sounds so awesome RIGHT!! ;) If you're ready to commit to this amazing test group! Go to this form, and fill out the application to be considered for one of the ten spots available! This group is going to be one you won't want to miss! Let's get healthy, fit, and have fun doing it while dancing our booties off (literally!) 

Healthy Planning for the Holiday!

Staying on track during the summer holidays can be difficult. BBQs galore and we all know most people are grilling those burgers, hot dogs, and indulging in those sugary treats brought over by your favorite Aunt Edna! "Don't people know about this Lifestyle Change I am on" is all that is running through your head right?! Haha.

It doesn't need to be difficult or require a lot of thinking to stay on track during these fun summer holiday picnics! All you have to do is just "prepare" yourself a little bit and stay in the right mindset! I want to share with you all a few tips of how I plan on staying on track tomorrow for my sister's birthday and 4th of July picnic we're hosting!! :)

So, on our current menu we are planning on grilling some hamburger, hot dogs, having pasta salad, chips, and a fruit salad of some sort! We are totally skipping the cake - ha, my choice! I know it sounds like I am going to have a run for my money, which I totally am, because with all these temptations - it is going to be very difficult to stay on track! But I have a goal & I am totally sticking to it!

So here are my five tips that I want to share with you of how I will be staying on track tomorrow and over the course of the weekend!

  1. DRINK WATER: H20 all day, everyday! Drinking enough water throughout the day can actually help you stay fuller! Try adding some strawberries, cucumbers, or even lemon/limes to create a flavorful, refreshing drink! (Drinking water can actually assist in weight loss -- so drink up!)
  2. Drink my Shakeology! For those of you who do not drink Shakeology or even know anything about it - it's the! For reals! I drink chocolate Shakeology - sometimes add a little banana, and peanut butter in it for 1 of my fruits for the day, and a healthy fat and it fills me up!! Shakeology also helps with curbing my junk food cravings and keeping me full! GOOD BYE SWEET TOOTH - HELLO SHRINKING WAIST LINE! ;) HAHA. (If you would like more information on Shakeology, click here: Shakeology Information)
  3. Commit to my daily workout! Just because it is a holiday doesn't mean it is time to slack! I will probably wake up to do an at home workout as well as doing a 5k in my community! :) A great suggestion I have for you to commit to your workout - SIGN  UP FOR A RUN! :) There is usually always a 5k/10k or some other type of race on the holidays! It is also fun to participate in these!!
  4. Make your own healthy snacks/Bring a doggie bag! It is that simple! If you have goals that you are pushing towards, then bring along your own healthy snacks if you know there probably will be very limited options for you - do as you may! 
  5. Do not deprive yourself! If you know that you are going to be having a picnic or something on the 4th of July and you would like to indulge just a little bit... save your cheat meal for that day; however, limit what you eat! I will be eating a turkey burger and probably have a little bit of pasta salad or something - but not overindulging! :) My countdown to Nashville meal plan is on point so I don't want to screw up my hard work!

I hope that you have found some of these tips to be useful and you are able to put some of them into play! You don't need to "dread" the holidays or isolate yourself during your health and fitness journey - all it takes is a little preparation and thinking!

I hope you all have an awesome holiday weekend and enjoy your time with friends and family!
God Bless the U.S.A! 

Half Way Mark -- How is Your Year Going?

Can you believe we are officially half way through the year? Where does the time go? Are you on track with sticking to your New Year's Resolutions? Do you think you could use that extra little push? Why not treat this as the New Year again and commit to those goals full force!!

I know how difficult it can be to commit to a health and fitness goal/journey. It takes time. It takes dedication and most importantly, it takes sacrifices. But the one thing they don't tell you, there really is no reason to deprive yourself or make this an incredibly boring journey. Health and fitness does NOT have to be boring.

Are you someone who has struggled with no motivation, lack of support and just can't seem to get your nutrition underway? Someone who just can't seem to stay on track for more than three days or those shorts just seem to be getting a little tighter each day? Well, I am here to help!

I am here to offer you a proven system to help jump start this journey towards your new goals that you committed to just 6 short months ago! I will teach you daily habits to incorporate into your lifestyle that can help you get on track as well as stay on track.

This group is for those serious about making a change and who have struggled the last six months to stay committed to their "New Year's Resolution!"

Beginning on July 6th, I will be hosting an exclusive Summer Living Support and Accountability that offers you with the package deal! I, as a full time employee, and a somewhat new wife, I know how difficult it is to find time in your day to day life, to get even just do a 30 minute workout. I want to assist other women just like me how to fit exercise into their daily routine and it be realistic as well as teach you how to make the meal prepping and planning as painless as possible!

So now that you get the overview -- let's talk about how this amazing package can lead you down an incredible journey! We will start with just 21 days? You can do it for 21 days right?! 30 minute workouts, as well as a daily accountability check in to our  closed FB group! :)

So, you want to know the requirements:

  • Do you have a Team Beachbody Coach? If not, let me be yours! :) Create an account just by click here: Create Free Account
  • Take a moment to fill out this application, This way I can work with you more independently to discuss whether this could be a good fit for you or not. Application
  • Commit to the 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme and replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology! Why Shakeology? You want to feel healthy, happy and absolutely amazing right? Well Shakeology will help you feel better as far as the daily energy, daily nutrition, and that 1 meal a day you just don't even need to stress about because it is quick, convenient and because as crazy as it may sound -- it tastes like a chocolate milkshake and is amazeballs!!
  • Finally in return, you will get me to assist, guide and root for you all the while setting up a realistic plan for your goals. My goal is to help you in any way I can so you don't just purchase the program and it sits on your shelf collecting dust! This program when you put in the effort and commit -- it truly can transform your entire life!!

Sound like an oh, so intriguing plan: Ok! Let's make this happen! Hit me up for more details right now!! There are very few spots open for this group as it is going to be amazeballs -- so if you're ready to make that (RE)commitment to your New Year's Resolution or even ready to just tackle this new healthy lifestyle... now is your time! Let's do it, together!!

Vacations. BBQs. SummerTime.... Staying On Track!

How many of you have already attended a bazillion BBQs, birthday parties, graduation parties, company picnics, vacations, etc?! How many of you feel you need to go purchase a bigger belt!

Honestly, I find it so difficult to stay on track during these difficult times. As for an example today, I was invited to a birthday party. I went and really had no intentions on eating any cake. But, I did. The temptations got the best of me tonight, which is ok because I am human and I am not perfect BUT I will not let that happen every time I attend a party this summer!

I wanted to share with you all a few tips I put together for my current accountability groups! Staying on track during the weekends could honestly be a game changer for your journey! One tip that I did not put on this list below but I want to share with you all because I honestly think that it makes the biggest impact on your success... GO IN IT WITH A "CAN DO" ATTITUDE!

It is really that simple. When you focus on something and you believe that you are capable of achieving great things, you will do just that! You have to program your mind that you are able to achieve these goals!

So here are my 6 tips that I hope you find beneficial for staying on track during the weekends and all throughout this crazy, busy summer! :)

  1. Don't Skip a Workout -- Honestly, it is so hard to just want to relax during on the weekends but even if it's a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood, a yoga class, or a bike ride! Just get moving!
  2. Drink Water! -- Drinking water is so important. Staying hydrated is extremely vital for every bodily function. If you have too, set a reminder on your phone to get it in!
  3. Get Outside -- Yes the outdoors are amazing! Go for a walk with your children, play outside with them, take the dogs for a walk... getting in fresh air can clear your mind and just make you happy overall!
  4. Prepare for the week ahead -- I always spend my Sundays meal prepping. I will create my meal plan for the week with lunch, and dinner at home. It takes the guessing game out of work so when it comes Monday morning - you aren't thinking oh man, I forgot to get my lunch! No having to spend money out at the local Subway or restaurant! I also plan out a dinner menu with my husband so we aren't guessing on what to have and then get so frustrated we just go eat out (which truth be told... this does happen!)
  5. Try something new - This can cover a wide variety of things.. a new outside activity, new recipe, new workout program, anything! Just try it. :) 
  6. Evaluate your previous week - Take a moment to sit down. Think about what worked for you, and what didn't. What can you skip out on and what should you be doing more of!

I really hope that you find this beneficial. Feel free to share with any friends or family! Remember, be a weekend warrior and keep focused to achieving your goals even through these busy months of the year!

If you still find yourself with struggling to stay on track, feel free to contact me! I have an exclusive accountability group open to anyone and everyone! We share clean eating tips, recipes, tips to avoid the temptations at the summer BBQs, and the support is amazing! If you would like more information, please contact me:!

Fitness & Self-Confidence

I remember just a few short years ago how frustrated I was with myself. How much I didn't like to be seen in public. How much I hated the person I saw in the mirror. Even how much my relationship was affected by the way I felt about myself. It was a very sad, depressing time in my life - but then by some miracle from God - my relationship turned around and I got engaged on November 16, 2012!

Knowing that I had a wedding to plan and a beautiful wedding gown to wear, was all the motivation I needed to commit to a new, healthy lifestyle! I was scared and intimidated because I knew nothing about stepping into a gym. I didn't know anything about clean eating, nor did I have a support system to cheer me on. I started out on my own but I was beyond determined to be successful!

After four short months - I had lost 20 pounds and started to feel some type of weight lifted off my shoulders. I was feeling better about myself. I wasn't so negative. I had hope that I would be able to make it through this difficult period of my life. But then I got stuck. I was working out two or three hours a day. I was "eating healthier", in my opinion, haha. BUT I was stuck at a plateau for 8 months. It was so awful and with my wedding only 5 months away I was getting desperate because I was still unhappy with where I was.

In January of 2014 - everything started to take this turn for the better. I joined Team Beachbody for a discount on Shakeology. I started T25. I was training for my second half marathon and my confidence was becoming more common. I was finally able to start standing up for myself. I was happier. I wasn't so focused on the negativity. I started feeling differently about myself as well as helping other people feel this way. My overall outlook on life has dramatically changed.

I can tell you honestly that I never had any idea of this type of change in my life just by committing to working out for my wedding. I am in awe of everything that has happened over the last year and a half. Just to name a few:

  • I lost an additional 15 pounds since January of 2014 - finally getting me to my goal weight
  • I have gained so much more confidence in myself, as well as my relationship, and full time job
  • I am not afraid to voice my opinion
  • I have been able to change my mindset in regards to my financial situations
  • I have created many long lasting friendships with people I barely knew last year
  • I have rid my life of negativity and learned to take responsibility for my actions
  • I have finally gotten myself back into Church after 20 years and loving every minute of it

Now I am sure people could have experienced these types of things without fitness - but being comfortable in my own skin was a huge deal for me. Everyone wants to love the person they see in the mirror everyday. And everyone deserves that feeling! Fitness, clean eating, and this amazing support system I have behind me -- helped me get to this point today!

If you are someone who struggles with their self image, self confidence, or just lack of motivation overall, I can tell you... deep down, there is the will do change your life. It may not be easy, it may take a year or maybe two - but I promise you! Things will get better and you will be victorious!

Maybe fitness could change your life? What do you have to lose? If you would like to partake in my upcoming Coach Apprenticeship group - please fill out the form below! I look forward to assisting you create a life you love and being more confident in your own skin! I promise... the end result will be worth it!

Love the Person You are Today! Coach Apprenticeship June 22nd!

I am a daughter. A sister. An aunt. A grandchild. A wife. A friend. A full time employee. A fur baby momma. I am a Christian.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I am persistent. I am a dreamer. I am a believer. I am a sucker for love stories. I am a selfie taken queen. I am an early riser, who wakes up before daylight to workout. I am stronger than yesterday. I am a leader. I am a student. I am a person who was looking for change.

I am Team Beachbody! I am a Team Beachbody coach! I don't have some totally crazy insane story to tell you -- EXCEPT...... SOMETHING HAD TO GIVE!!

I was tired of sitting around being miserable, watching others be successful, watching my life just pass me by -- I needed a change and I found my change with Team Beachbody!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am more confident. I am 30 pounds lighter. I am more outspoken. I am able to tell people how I feel without feeling guilty. I workout for 30 minutes. I post selfies everyday. I am happy. I am married. I love my life. I bought my first home 8 months ago. I paid off $10,000+ worth of debt over the last year. I am creating a life I will be proud to talk about -- this is exactly where I am suppose to be!!


Are YOU looking for that change? I am looking to mentor 10 women in the month of June! Fill out this form:


I will be sure to contact you with more information about my upcoming Coach Apprenticeship Group!!

I am......... A Blogger!

I was listening to a Podcast the other day. You know what is funny -- It spoke to me, like literally spoke to me and said - you need to get back on board with your blog!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The one thing I got to thinking about is this blog. It has been lacking some love and I really haven't been keeping up with it. WHY? Well, because I really didn't think I was good enough to write a blog. But the reason that is --- I wasn't trying to make it good. I wasn't trying to make it valuable. Sure, I put posts out there that were meant to help, inspire, encourage, and drive individuals to live a happier and healthier life BUT -- I really wasn't giving it my all!

SO.... Here I am! I am taking a stab at this again and putting forth more effort into this blog! It's a great way to share my struggles, get opinions from my followers and actually share what goes through this crazy mind of mine! :)

I am hoping that you will stick around and get ready for a change for the Blog!

What should you do now:

  • Check back every couple days for a new post
  • Comment on this post on what type of posts you would like to see
  • If you enjoy what you see, simply like, comment, share and maybe even leave me a review!

Thank you all to my loyal followers and I hope to make you proud with some upcoming changes to the blog! :) 

Follow Me:
Instagram: @fit_stephm